If you have any questions or if you're interested in having us perform Marriage Celebrant Services for your New Hampshire, Massachusetts, or Maine Wedding Ceremony, here's our phone number and email (please make sure to include the wedding date, time, and place in your inquiry and read the IMPORTANT NOTE below!):
IMPORTANT NOTE: Reservations are made on a first-come, first-served basis, and phone calls receive preference over emails. If, after an initial email to see if we are available for your date and time, you'd like to continue the conversation, please give us a call. Not only are phone calls a more efficient way of handling the back-and-forth that is required for the planning/initial consult of a wedding ceremony, but also, a call will insure that you don't lose your date to another couple who makes a quick phone call to reserve the date while you're in the process of conversing back and forth with us through email. Thank You!
Let us help you put your Ceremony together with great resources from around the web...
Marriage Ceremony Elements
Wedding Ceremony Directory
Songs For Your Ceremony
Hear what our clients have to say about our services...
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Services and Fees
For questions or a free consultation contact us...
Phone: (603)580-4296
Email Blue Sky Weddings
