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Helping New Hampshire Couples Create Unique and Inspiring Wedding Ceremonies!

 Blue Sky of NH Wedding Ceremony Music
Services, FAQs, Fees

March 27, 2025


Can we choose the music to be played at our ceremony?

Our belief is that you ought to be able to choose all of the music at your ceremony - even right down to which version of the Bridal March you want. We'll certainly coach you on what to choose for which activities, but the final choice is yours. For more on how we feel about the music see our site at

Who will be playing the music at our ceremony?

We (John &/or Cathy) be in charge of playing the recorded music that you've selected at your ceremony. From the prelude songs that set the mood for your wedding, through the processional, any interlude or ritual songs, the recessional, and finishing up with the postlude music, we'll will make sure that the right songs are played at the right time and at the right volume.

Do you have a song list for us?

We like to think that we have one of the most extensive Wedding Ceremony music libraries available. Remember, our focus is on the Ceremony. We have hundreds of selections for every part of your Ceremony, and will make every effort to help you choose the music that will best fit the theme or mood of your Wedding.

What kinds of music styles are in your library?

We have everything needed for a Wedding Ceremony. Go to our Songs For Your Ceremony site to get an idea of some of the music we play.

What if we want a song that's not featured on the Songs For Your Ceremony site?

We will make every attempt to get that song for your ceremony. Or, if you have the song on CD or MP3, we'll play yours.

Do you use professional equipment?

Our equipment is state-of-the-art, professional Mobile Disc Jockey equipment. We take the weddings we perform at very seriously, and would choose nothing less than the best. This, we believe, is a necessity in order to make sure that all kinds of music from classical to jazz, to new age, to popular music will sound great.

Do you have backup equipment?

Yes, we have backup for every piece of equipment we will be bringing to your ceremony. In some cases, we even have backup to the backup!

How long will you play music at my ceremony?

The Prelude Music will usually be started about 15 minutes to one-half hour before the ceremony begins, and will continue through any Postlude Songs you may need. If the receiving line is taking place at the ceremony site right after the ceremony, we can provide music for that also.

How much do you charge for the Ceremony Music System and access to your library?

Our professional audio system and access to our music library is $75. If you combine it with our Voice Amplification System (see the next two questions) the total fee is discounted to $140.

Can you provide a microphone system for our wedding?

Voice amplification in the form of lapel microphones or a standard microphone for the Celebrant and, usually, the couple can be provided.

How much do you charge to provide voice amplification?

Voice amplification for your ceremony is $75. As mentioned previously, if you combine it with our professional audio system for ceremony music and access to our ceremony music library, the total fee is discounted to $140.

Can you explain the Complete Ceremony Sound Solution again?

Sure. The Complete Ceremony Sound Solution is a total solution to your ceremony sound needs. First we provide you with access to music for every part of your ceremony, along with advice and recommendations on which songs might be appropriate given the style of your ceremony. All these musical selections are provided at no cost to you. If we don't have it, we'll get it, again at no cost to you. Then, on your wedding day, we'll play all of that wonderful music on a professional mobile disc jockey audio system so that it sounds great. Next, we'll provide voice amplification, usually in the form of lavaliere microphones for the Celebrant and for you, the Bride and Groom, so that your guests are sure to hear all of the words of your ceremony. Finally, as an additional benefit, if you are having a rehearsal, we'll bring the music so that the ceremony can be coordinated and timed appropriately with your song selections. And the best part... we provide all of this at a very reasonable price.

Will we need to make sure a table is provided for your equipment set up?

No, we bring everything we need for a complete set-up.

Where is your music equipment set up for the wedding?

Different sites require different set-ups. In all cases we attempt to make the equipment as inconspicuous as possible, and it will never be placed in an area that interferes with the wedding in any way.

Is there an additional fee for the time it takes to set up the equipment?

No. There is no additional charge for set-up time.

I already have a DJ for my reception who can also play at my ceremony - do I need your music services?

You may not. There are many fine Wedding DJs in New Hampshire with large Ceremony Music libraries and the willingness to get whatever music you might want for your ceremony. If your DJ has the music you want at a reasonable price, then you don't need our music service. Some DJs have the traditional selections needed for a Ceremony but, since the Ceremony is not their main focus, they may not have much beyond those traditional selections. The couples that use our Music Service are sometimes looking for something beyond the traditional. In general, the main advantage of having us supply the Ceremony Music is access to our very large and diverse Wedding Ceremony Music Library, and our reasonable price for the service. Also, since we are already helping you to create your Wedding Ceremony, it will be easier for us to make musical suggestions that will fit well with your Ceremony design. Finally, if we are attending the rehearsal, we bring the songs you've chosen to the rehearsal at no additional charge - something that most DJs do not do.

I'm hiring Musicians for my ceremony - do I need your music services?

No. Although our Celebrant and Wedding Coordinator will be happy to work with your Musicians, you would not need our Ceremony Music Services. Please note however, that our Voice Amplification System will still be available should you need it.

We already have our Celebrant and Wedding Coordinator picked out, but we think we'd like to use your service just to provide the ceremony music and/or voice amplification- can we do that?

Definitely. Just Contact Us and let us know.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions.

  Let us help you put your Ceremony together with great resources from around the web...

  Marriage Ceremony Elements

  Wedding Ceremony Directory

  Songs For Your Ceremony

  Need help choosing the music for your Ceremony? Visit our Wedding Ceremony Music site...

  Songs For Your Ceremony

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  Services and Fees

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Music is well said to be
the speech of angels;
in fact, nothing among the utterances
allowed to man is felt to be so divine.
It brings us near to the infinite.

- Thomas Carlyle

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